Hi, my name is Andrei

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Guessing game

A simple guessing game, where the player needs to guess the random number by geting hints.

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Pig game

A simple dice game in which two players race to reach 100 points. Each turn, a player repeatedly rolls a die until either a 1 is rolled or the player holds and scores the sum of the rolls.

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Bank app

A simple bank application, where you need to login in in order to see transactions, send money and get loans from the bank.

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Website animations

A simple website with different effects, like: smooth scrolling, testimonial slider, modal, etc.

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A fitness app, where the user can map his own workouts. (developed using Object-Oriented Programming and external libraries)

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Ecommerce website

An ecommerce website made in wordpress. Shopping cart and invoice functions have been disabled due to excessive price increases.

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